Save bandwidth by disabling switch the auto update feature (English Version)
Many computer users do not realize that a number of activities going on in the system behind the internet when they connect to the internet. These activities include the review and update process automatically by the operating system and installed programs to a computer. While on the one hand you get the benefit because the system and your programs are always updated, but these benefits are generally not very significant compared to the amount of data traffic that is going on
Automatic updates are generally run without our knowing it will slow the internet connection at that time. Also download the update files also will eat your bandwidth quota. So just turn off AUTO UPDATE feature. You just have to update manually if there is need for program or system reform
How to turn off the AUTO UPDATE facility computer system is as follows:
1. Right-click My Computer> Propeties
2. To turn off the search feature drivers updates, right-click the Hardware tab> Windows Update> select Never search .... click Ok
3. To turn off the automatic update feature operating system, click the Automatic Updates tab> select Turn Off Automatic Updates, click Ok
As for how to turn off Auto Update facility your computer program depends on the location and availability of the settings menu of each program. Generally, setting can be found in the Preferences or Options menu of the program. AUTOMATIC UPDATE Turn off the system in each program, and also after installing a new program. Dont forget to turn off your anti virus auto update too!
salam sahabat
good posting...he..he..sekalian njelimet nerjemahkan akhirnya bisa ngerti juga ,bagus kak..thnxs n good luck for U
diatas kan ada versi bahasa indonesianya, sengaja posting buat lokal dan interlokal eh mksdku org bule
salam sobat
wah yang ini artikelnya sama ya,,,
dengan versi bahasa INDONESIA,,,
bagus deh sobat,,,buat informasi orang2 selain INDONESIA.
nice article,.
@nura@the sun shine: thx atas atensinya
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