Posting HTML (Encode / Decode HTML)
Make HTML as a teks in your posting :
Bingung buat postingan HTML kok yang keluar hasil dari HTML tersebut bukan code HTMLnya?, atau istilahnya HTML jadi teks pada postingan. Banyak jalan kok, artikel atau lebih tepat postingan kali ye, ini khusus buat yang belum tahu, yang sudah tahu ya tidak wajib membuka (maksa banget ya hehehhe)
Do you confuse with HTML posting? Dont be confusing, I'll show you how to make HTML posting shown like teks, just simple way, and I don't have to try it hardly. Just open "baca selanjutnya or read more" for detail.
Sebenarnya caranya simple, gak perlu ribet-ribet, pertama kita buat HTML nya dulu.
It is simple way, First you must type/make HTML that will be posted.
Lalu larilah..lari apa menuju ya "disini"
Go to "here"
Lalu copy dan paste HTML yang akan di posting ke kolom yang tersedia,
Then copy and paste HTML into available coloumn
Klik Encode
Click Encode
Lalu copy dan paste HTML tersebut ke postingan anda, dan terbitkan entri deh..
Last, copy and paste that HTML into your posting and publish it.
ok Good Look Everyone, I mean Good Luck hehehe
Do you confuse with HTML posting? Dont be confusing, I'll show you how to make HTML posting shown like teks, just simple way, and I don't have to try it hardly. Just open "baca selanjutnya or read more" for detail.
Sebenarnya caranya simple, gak perlu ribet-ribet, pertama kita buat HTML nya dulu.
It is simple way, First you must type/make HTML that will be posted.
Lalu larilah..lari apa menuju ya "disini"
Go to "here"
Lalu copy dan paste HTML yang akan di posting ke kolom yang tersedia,
Then copy and paste HTML into available coloumn
Klik Encode
Click Encode
Lalu copy dan paste HTML tersebut ke postingan anda, dan terbitkan entri deh..
Last, copy and paste that HTML into your posting and publish it.
ok Good Look Everyone, I mean Good Luck hehehe
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